- New Winter Lobby
- Maps:
Refreshed Construction Thrill
Northern Workshop [Normal] Returns [+Rescue & Page]
Added Polar Industry [Easy] by HawxyBird [+Rescue & Page]
Added Poisonous Forest [Hard] by HawxyBird [+Rescue & Page] - Community-Made Winter Seasonal Items:
Tank: 5 Gift Boxes
Tank: Northern Pole
Tank: Candy Heart
Tank: Festive Tree
Tank: Wreath
Tank: Snow Globe
Tank: Red Bulb
Tank: Green Bulb
Tank: Snow Launcher
Aura: Gingerbread & Cookies
Aura: Candy Canes - Community-Made Item:
Tank: Frozen Crazy - New Gamepass (Expression Item Pack, R$500):
Aura: Glitter
Aura: Reactive Bolts
Aura: Cube Craze
Emote: Vibing
Buddy: FE2 Logo
- Normal & Pro Servers: ‘All Group Buttons’ Event no longer triggers on Crazy difficulty
- Winter Seasonal Items are on sale until the end of the event (End Date TBA)
- Winter Seasonal Items are marked in the shop with a ‘❄’ snowflake
- Massive thank you to the community members who have contributed to FE2 with their items and maps for this update 🙂